We had a not so bright but early start today. Elle was up early (as usual when we can sleep late) and it was fairly overcast which was predicted. We enjoyed a simple breakfast and I ran out to the local market for some fresh coffee to hold me off til we went shopping for all the important stuff.
J, Elle and I went for a damp walk after I got back with my joe. We strolled down the street to see locals waiting for friends and family to get off the incoming ferry. And then spent some quality time with some hungry seagulls looking for early morning bait from the fishermen. We didn't have the heart to tell them it was Sunday and the fishermen clearly took the morning off.
With the weather being rainy we decided to go the the L.L. Bean outlet store. So did everyone else. We didn't see much. They had a lot of winter items...perfect huh?. But we did manage to find Elle a jacket. From there we headed across the street to Hanaford's. We got everything we needed but we held off on buying the $11.99 Red Sox wine. I had heard of it but I had never seen it. We have some wine we still need to drink and I'm a beer away from buying a case of the local Bar Harbor ale.
We had lunch back at the house from our catch at the deli. J and Elle took a nap (Elle slept OK for her first night but not great) so I had the afternoon to figure out how to get the DVD player to work so we could watch our Netflix movies this week. Dave, Victoria and Logan (their 11 year old son who could run this place himself) knew of the DVD problem after we told them the remotes were missing when we arrived.
While J and Elle napped I headed out to see some familiar territory as well as some new. Southwest Harbor has changed a bit. A new plaza with an internet cafe and a bunch of new restaurants. Our old Breakfast nook is their but it's under new management (Maddy's).
Doing a little exploring I found the local lighthouse and took a few shots of the view. Lots of retired amateur photog's carrying their tri-pods. Everyone was spread out and I decided to find a few quiet spots for myself. After taking a few shots I realized I had people on either side of me... Maybe I look like I know what I'm doing and they thought my angle was good.
When the 3 of us regrouped we went out to Ship Harbor. It has a great leisurely coastal walk. We ended up at stone/pebble beach where J suggested Elle and I take our shoes and socks off to wade in the rocky water. Elle loved that idea! Despite me knowing how freezing cold this North Atlantic water was I took Elle in. It was cold... very cold. But we used the rocks to step up to get our feet out of the water from time to time. While taking refuge we would look at the clam shells and pick up shells to show Mommy.
We headed back to the house to grill marinated steak tips, corn on the cob and salad from our 5 Dean Ave garden. While we dined in the back yard Dave came over to replace the tv and the DVD player. So we now can watch DVD's. They have been great. They are really easy going and attentive. I love what they have done with the grounds on both properties. She's a gardener and Dave's a carpenter. They told us if we wanted lobster to tell them. Dave has a friend who's a fisherman and can get us lobsters for less than we'll pay anywhere. Don't need to tell us twice. We'll be getting lobster's Thursday night! We really lucked out with a great spot, great house and excellent owner's.
10 Pm and I'm going tot hit the hay. The sea air get to ya I think.
Hey Mike, Johanna and Ellie
Glad you guys are enjoying. Your writing want me to come over and stay there. Keep up the writing.
Great pics!!
Great pictures! We love the porch and the picture of Ellie next to the boat...quintessential Maine!
It's quite cool and rainy down here too, but it sounds as if you're making the most of it...besides...Maine is supposed to be foggy and damp!
Have a great time.
Mom & Maurie
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