I wanted to post a new logo I created for an electrician. He originally contacted my buddy Kjeld http://www.kjeldm.com/blog/ to design it. Kjeld asked if I wanted to take a stab at it as well.
The direction we recieved was that he didn't want it to have a lightning bolt. He also wanted to use his initials and black & yellow as his colors. Despie his direction we both had no intention of doing a lighting bolt... cheesey. So we were all on the same page. Giving there are a zillion Electrician logo's out there it was a challenge to come up with something that hasn't already been done. Honestly, there are only so many images & icons that are associated with electricians.
Here's the new logo.
– Mike
Nice work! Good luck getting paid!
Great Logo Mike. Excellent!!
I love that logo. More creativity and simplicity than is usually seen. Bravo.
The CJE is a nice touch.
I am using your scissors at work. Well, they have your name on them. I almost thought I lost them, but I cleaned up this morning and there were my "Mike Scissors."
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