1,532 feet, is the highest point along the N. Atlantic seaboard. Until Elle gets on a plane or climbs Mt. Everest this is the highest she's ever been. The morning started with sun and a warm breeze coming in off the water. We had fresh muffins on the sun porch and watched as our street had more traffic than we've seen since getting here. Along with the port down the street there's a ferry further down the road. So we saw people heading off to their aquatic commute.
We got an early start and headed into Acadia to climb Cadillac Mountain... in the car. The day grew more overcast and gray with spots of sweet sunshine. The drive up the mountain was fun. Elle was looking for dolphins and laughing at Mommy since J was freaking out on the tight turns close to the edge. We took it slow since I was enjoying the views as well.
It wasn't too busy at the top. What it was was windy and chilly. We wandered around on the rocky top taking in the view. We saw cruise ships and the Bar Harbor Wind jammer that sports burgandy sails. Elle counted the islands. She clocked 8. Auntie Elaine sent Ellie some binoculars (or as Elle says Biancalas) and she used them to look for whales and boats. Thanks Auntie!
J and Elle hit the gift shop to seek some refuge from the cold wind. I stuck it out for some more photography. We treated ourselves to some chocolate covered cranberries for the ride down the mountain. We tooled around the Acadia roads for a bit before heading off to Bat Harbor for lunch.
The Quarterdeck. Too cold to go on their deck but the second floor view was just as good. My 1st lobster roll of the week. Chunks of lobster. They knew what they were doing. We watched the cruise ships and different tours come and go off the pier. Bar Harbor was hopping. A small cruise ship brought in lots of flatlanders.
After lunch we walked up the hill into town. J & Elle each got a new BH fleece. I couldn't find anything I liked but I'm sure I will. Poking around into different shops was fun but Elle was getting bored with it and the bribe of ice cream was wearing off. It started to rain so we sought some creamy shelter into an ice cream parlor. Since I had lobster for lunch I couldn't get the lobster ice cream but.
Back home we all took late naps. That was nice.
Still chilly J fired up the gas burning fireplace. It got the house perfectly toasty!
Elle and I hung out while J plotted our course for the week while a Hanaford's pizza was baking in the oven. After dinner we walked down to Mainely-Maine cafe. A little shanty establishment that mostly serves locals and commuters. I doubt it gets many vacationers. They were happy to see us as they were pretty quiet at the moment. We just got some blueberry pie, coffee and tea. The pie was excellent. Choke full of local berries and the crust was slightly overdone to have a bitter taste. It was perfect with he sweet berry.
No sunset tonight since it stayed gray. Tomorrow is expected to be clearer.
We getting breakfast in Southwest Harbor (Maddy's) and getting a picnic together for a nature cruise out to Frenchboro island. The boat leaves right down the street from us.
Until tomorrow!
Maine word:
Yonder– Away from where you are now.
1 comment:
Reading your blog is such a hoot and very enjoyable...thanks for doing this. We love it!!!
It's equally murky down here too. Our walk this morning was fog-shrouded to say the least.
Ellie sounds like she's having a great time...what an experience.
Keep the news coming.
Have a great time.
Mom & Maurie
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