Here we are.
I'm not convinced I'm going to blog this vacation. Sadly, I forgot to pack my cable to upload my photos from my camera. This blog just isn't the same without the photos.
Our check-in at the rental house was for 3:00 but we decided to made the best of the day and get to the area much earlier. Despite the Saturday traffic's best effort to slow us down we detoured and pushed on. Not only did we want to get out of traffic we also were meeting Cherie for lunch. We arrived around noon it was perfect timing to get some lunch for our empty bellies.
Not far from our rendezvous point we found a pub/restaurant for some sandwiches. Cherie's cheeseburger club looked Delicious! tasted even better since i helped her finish it off! From lunch we headed into town and puttered around. Did Ellie an I want to go into the Vintage Linen shoppe? BORING! No thanks. J & Auntie headed in while Elle & I did what Dad's & daughters do... we goofed around. HA!
We were in search for a local bakery so we could enjoy some yummy treats in the morning. No Luck! They were closed. Oh well. Bagels from DD cafe will do just fine!
Getting settled into the house had us now thinking what will we do for dinner? hmmm... We have Internet access so we scoped out few places. We ultimately decided on Clancy's. They were packed but we made excellent use of our time sitting in the AC in the car waiting for our table. We went into the waiting room and BAM our table was ready! Not only that we had a fantastic table with a water window. Perfect for out 1st dinner out.
Even though Clancy's has award winner clam chowder Ellie thought the chowder she had on Block Island was way better! So now we are having an unofficial Ellorie Corcoran Chowder fest. Who has the best clam chowder on Cape Cod... by Ellorie standards? We shall see.
Dinner was great. Huge portions and my Cape Cod Red was had. We'll be going again before the week ends.
After desert we headed home. We hung out on the deck relaxing while Ellie watched Harry Potter on TV. The layout of the house is really nice. One floor and open so we don't feel like we are disconnected from anyone. The big cushy sectional couch asked us to nuzzle up with Ellie and watch a little HP with her. We did... very cozy! Ellie wants a sectional.... so do we.
Sunday morning agenda. Herb farm for Cher & J. Ellie & I will be hanging out waiting to welcome John & Anastacia.
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