Well, this morning ended a wonderful weekend.
Despite being up at 6:30-7:00 on a beautiful Sunday morning we had good reason.
J signed Ellie up to participate in a fundraising road race to benefit different local charities through CVS. The CVS Downtown 5K Run in downtown Providence. Now lemme be clear. Ellie didn't run 5K she ran about 150 feet.
It was a brisk morning down in providence and we saw loads of people getting prepared and warmed up for their races. Elle's age group was the 1st of the morning. It was a bit hairy as we got the starting line just in time with all the people crowded to see. Even the PA announcer who play by played the race halted as he play by played Johanna running with Ellie to the starting line to get ready (I wish I had it on video!).
Within moments the gun went off and they bolted. Elle looked like she was running through a field of daisies. Bouncing along as if not to hurt the ground she stepped on. The kids funneled together to collect their goodies (a banana and a bottle of water) and of course their medals!
After we congratulated Elle and J & I were able to catch our breathe from all the running around we strolled Providence as it was shut down so it was great for walking. We checked out a few tents and got some more freebies.
We had a blast.
It was a great way to start out Sunday and end our weekend. We were in Providence on Friday night taking Elle to Disney of Ice and fortunately for us there was a partial Water Fire when the show got out. So perfect. A brisk night for the 3 of us to walk around and it wasn't crowded. Amazing. As we walked around we both said how much we love Providence. It's so accessible we love it!
Friday night was something we'd never be able to do in Boston. Saturday was our hometown of Johnston's annual Apple Festival. A Corcoran family tradition. Elle got to ride a pony, get her face painted and see some friends from school and ballet. JJ got to get some gorgeous jewelry.
This past weekend was awesome. Something we know we wouldn't be able to do if we lived any of place than here (that we know of). How can you go to Disney on Ice, walk across the street to see an amazing urban city turn into a piece of art? The following day is a country fair and today is a downtown road race... all within a small budget and 20 minutes of each other.
We found it... it's called home.
Oh, and I had a lobster and some local clams for dinner. It just seals the deal!
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