A few weeks ago my good friend John from college told me a somewhat friend of his family who I hung out with through John a few times was going to be a reality TV show.
So I have finally joined the club where I knew someone on a reality TV show. I heard some stat about the odds of someone you knew on a reality based show and it was higher than I had expected.
I have found more and more people mentioning they went to school or know someone that was on this show or that show. I can count a handful of those conversations that I've had in the past 5 years. It's amazing.
I didn't know Rick (who was on The Toughest Job: see the big guy in the yellow hard hat above) very well. Not really at all. But John and I were invited over to his place a few times and since he lived in Everett it was perfect. Always had a good time hanging at their place.
But there is one story that really sticks out when I think of those days.
John and I met at Rick & his wife's place. John, Rick, myself and a few more people were all going to a Halloween party. We were all decked out in our costumes. We piled into Rick's car. At the time he was driving an old police cruiser he got at auction. The back seat was uncomfortable... Given it was made for would be criminals. We had a bit of a drive to get to the party so we took the highway.
While on the highway we were having a good time. People were driving by laughing at us all in our costumes. Our driver Rick as the Grim Reaper taunting other drivers. It was hysterical. It was a slightly rainy night.
As we drove along the highway we saw a car that seemed to weaving a lot. We guessed he was lost and didn't exactly know which exit to get off. Without hesitation Rick said "Watch this". At that moment he toggled a switched and all of a sudden we heard sirens.... We all looked behind us like uh oh we're getting pulled over.... But there was no cruiser....
The cruiser was us. Ricks' auctioned police car still had working sirens and flashing headlights. And this poor lost guy was being pulled over by the Grim Reaper and a handful of laughing, costumed 20 something's.
We really wanted Rick( who's about 6'4) to get out of the car with his sickle, cape and make-up to tell the driver to come with him....
However, to avoid us getting arrested for impersonating a police car we decided to pull up behind him and then roll around him and speed away.
We wondered how long that guy might have sat there thinking we'd come back.
That was a fun night where we went to 2 Halloween parties.
I'm officially a part of the I know a guy who was on a Reality TV show club.
Where's my t-shirt?