J had some friends over on Sunday and they joined forces and had a 3 person yard sale.
We had stuff, and they each had stuff. We sold the stuff.
It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun. We had almost as many people as we did laughs.
Towards the end of the day one of J's friend's 1 year old daughter came bye and she and Elle got into costume. Someone had Halloween costumes they were selling so we put the kids in them. Elle loved buzzing around like a bee.... but asking her to stand still for a picture wasn't what bugs like to do. Look closely on the profile shot and you'll see her little stinger on her BUTT! And yes she was trying to sting the neighbors kids with her butt.
Ultimately we have less stuff in the house than we had this morning. We put most of it together last minute since we have been crazy busy at work and when we get home.
4 more days until we move at work. My commute will be 20-30 minutes quicker! Luckily I didn't settle into my cube since I knew we were moving but I still have files to co-ordinate.
On a side note: Who brings a $50 bill to a yard sale? We're selling stuff for 50 cents and a few bucks.... this guys hands J a $50 bill. Thanks Buddy! Luckily J was able to make change.
2 minutes before kick-off and the Sox and Yankees.
See ya in the morning!
1 comment:
i would not mind that bee on me. it was a cute picture. nana
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